Stress and anxiety are constant companions for most us in modern times. We can’t escape them. Constant and overbearing stress is  incredibly detrimental to our physical, mental and emotional health. It also affects our behaviour and a lot of people are no strangers to burning out – taking care of family situations or at work.

Unfortunately a lot of warning signs go unnoticed or simply ignored in favor of »I’ll-work-through-it« mentality.

QUICK TIP: During stressful times our bodies crave vitamin C to help repair the damage done by stress to our cellular walls. So when in stress, eat a lot of foods that contain vitamin C!

We need to juggle a lot of different forms of stress in our lives but most of them you may not even notice, don’t know they affect you or may not even know they exist! Educating yourself on different types of stress will help you understand the process and effects of stress.  Take your time to think about it carefully, as these stress types affect you tremedously. Think about how you react to stressful situations and stressful people. This way you’ll come to understand yourselves better and get the help you need dealing with stress.

Types of stress:

• environmental (pollution, radiation, noise, temperature extremes, electromagnetic fields, toxins, etc.),

• physical (overworking oneself, excess exercise, chemicals, eaitng losts of junk food, accidents, surgery, etc.),

• biological (illnesses, allergies, pain, chronic diseases, hormone changes, aging, malnutrition, etc.),

• sociological (marriage, moving, work,daily hassels, caring for an ill loved one, loss, financial worries, birth, death, etc.),

• psychological (anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, negative thoughts, depression, sadness, grief, etc.).

QUICK TIP: Low levels of zinc attribute to increased levels of stress and anxiety. Eat cashews to bring those levels up!

Stress creates a variety of health problems and most of them have long-lasting effect in following areas:

• heart (increased blood pressure, fast heart beat, increased risk of heart attack, stroke and high cholesterol),

• stomach (food allergies, peptic ulcer disease, reflux, stomach cramps, nausea and weight flactulations),

• intestines (decreased nutrient absorption, slow and reduced metabolism, decreased enzymatic output, increased risk for inflammatory bowel diseases, diabetes and more),

• pancreas (results in elevated secretions of insulin which can lead to diabetes, damaged and obesity),

• immune system (suppressed effectiveness of the immune system to battle and recover from illness, high levels of inflammation in the body and variety of chronic health conditions),

• joints and muscles (aches and pains, inflammation, tension, lowered bone densitiy which can lead to osteoporosis, tightness in the shoulders and back),

• skin (skin problems like acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, random breakouts and skin rashes),

• reproductive system (decreased testosterone and estradiol (estrogene hormone) production leading to reduced fertility, dampening of sexual behaviour and loss of sexual drive).

As you can see, stress is the underlying cause of a lot of illnesses and MUST be controlled and dealt with otherwise so many problems we just mentioned become recurring or chronic. And that’s only physical health. What about our mental health? Stress, especially long-term one, can cause a variety of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety and in extreme cases even psychosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.

QUICK TIP: Challenge your thoughts! Thoughts are not facts! When you catch yourself overgeneralizing, focusing on the negative and jumping to conclusions, stop and challenge your thinking.

And what about anxiety? Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats and is often (but not always) the result of stress. In small doses, anxiety can be helpful and protect us from danger and focuses our attention on problems. But when anxiety is too severe and occurs too frequently it becomes debilitating.

Symptoms of strong anxiety are:

• uncontrollable worry,

• avoidance of fear,

• poor concentration,

• needing constant reassurance,

• excessive nervousness,

• panic attacks,

• increased heart rate,

• procrastrination,

• sleep problems,

• overthinking,

• upset stomach,

• memory issues,

• muscle tension,

• breathing problems.

QUICK TIP: Controlled, deep breathing lowers blood pressure, prompts release of endorphins and calms the nervous system!

Elley helps to control and, most importantly, reduce stress. Elley plates take care of your health by balancing the energy both inside of you and outside of you as well (in your living or work space). It brings our body and mind into equilibrium and can act in a preventive way as it stabilises the body and the space we live in before we enter a highly stressful situation. This also helps us curb our anxiety or even avoid it altogether!

Elley is a great product against stress and also helps to balance your chakras as it affects the cardiovascular system in our bodies. Along with stress control the Elley brings you increased concentration, better attention span and sharp focus.

QUICK TIP: Be physically active. This doesn’t necessarily mean taking up a sport – you can be active in a number of small ways such as dancing to our favourite song, walking to the store instead of driving and taking the stairs whenever possible.

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